
Rat-hunting macaques: a greener solution for rodent pest control in Malaysian oil palm plantations?

In the lush landscapes of Southeast Asia, oil palm plantations stretch across vast land, producing palm oil, one of the world’s most versatile and economically significant commodities. However, the cultivation of oil palm has long been accompanied by environmental concerns. In the quest for more sustainable practices, an unlikely ally has emerged from the depths of the rainforest: southern pig-tailed macaques.

Rat-hunting macaques: a greener solution for rodent pest control in Malaysian oil palm plantations? Read More »

Sloth bear-human coexistence in Marwahi

The dry deciduous forests of Northern Chhattisgarh host one of India’s largest sloth bear populations. But unfortunately, sloth bears don’t have a good reputation here. Quite the contrary, they are considered by many to be one of the most dangerous wild animals in the area.

Conservationists are now trying to identify the last islands with substantial bear populations in the region of Marwahi. But what will it take to protect Marwahi’s decreasing sloth bear population in a highly cultivated landscape?

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The Nature Conservation Centre, the hub of innovative conservation solutions

The Turkish NGO Nature Conservation Centre (Doğa Koruma Merkezi) is a great example of how NGOs can use scientific expertise, practical experience and education activities to bridge gaps between authorities and people. Their projects include a creative spin on tackling the climate crisis, nature education, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity protection.

The Nature Conservation Centre, the hub of innovative conservation solutions Read More »