
Every Singaporean can be a naturalist

Where is the line between urban greening and nature conservation?

How does the Nature Society, Singapore lead the charge in a citizen-based green revolution?

Join us on a journey through Sungei Buloh, and explore how grassroots initiatives are reshaping the city-state’s landscape. From protecting mangroves to advocating for sustainable development, learn how active citizen engagement is key to preserving Singapore’s natural heritage!

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The regeneration of the Sundarbans – community-driven action for the world’s largest mangrove forest

The Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India, is threatened by coastal erosion, climate change, and deforestation. Many of those living near the Sundarbans exist below the poverty line, depending heavily on the forest’s resources. The Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) helps these vulnerable communities benefit from ecological restoration in a unique way.

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An office without walls

Nature conservation is not a nine-to-five job. Nature provides us with endless questions to answer if we are curious enough. With over 20 years of experience in bird watching, bird research, nature conservation and nature education both in Turkey and abroad, Lale Aktay and Özgün Süzüer have seen and experienced many sides of nature conservation, and we are eager to find out what drives them. We talked about research and on-site conservation of birds, the importance of knowledge transfer, building a network and being a role model for youth. Moreover, we heard about a successful initiative combining cycling with nature observation and got a glimpse into the field of ethno-ornithology.

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Birds unite our changing world

“Birds unite our changing world”. This sentence welcomes the reader on Lider Sinav´s blog called Kuş Notları (“Bird notes”). As a six-year-old boy, Lider opened his first field guide for birds, a German book he received from his Swiss mother. And from there on, he was fascinated by birds. Now, even though he is only 29, he is only one of the most knowledgeable ornithologists of Turkey and has conducted fieldwork in research and conservation all over Turkey.

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The bird lagoons of Bulgaria

One of the biggest wetlands along the Black Sea coast are the Burgas lakes in Bulgaria. The five lakes and their surrounding wetlands cover almost 100 km² and on the right days, you can see thousands of birds here. We met up with the NGO ‘Green Balkans’ and the NGO ‘Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation’, two organizations that run projects for their protection, and learnt about the complex interrelation of traditional salt production and biodiversity in two hypersaline lagoons.

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If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it!

The Dobrogea region in southeastern Romania is part of the Eurasian-East African Flyway, one of the important migration corridors for birds that follows the western coast of the Black Sea. To learn more about conservation in this region, we headed to the Black sea coast to visit the Agigea Ornithological Observatory, as it is the first and only permanent ringing and bird migration research station in Romania. But why are birds even ringed, how do you ring them and what are the challenges? Let´s find out!

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