Every Singaporean can be a naturalist

Where is the line between urban greening and nature conservation?

How does the Nature Society, Singapore lead the charge in a citizen-based green revolution?

Join us on a journey through Sungei Buloh, and explore how grassroots initiatives are reshaping the city-state’s landscape. From protecting mangroves to advocating for sustainable development, learn how active citizen engagement is key to preserving Singapore’s natural heritage!

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Guardians of the blue: MareCet’s quest to save Malaysia’s marine mammals

Dolphins, whales, porpoises and dugongs call Malaysia’s waters their home and play crucial roles in maintaining the ecological balance of their marine habitats. However, like many marine mammals worldwide, Malaysia’s wild marine sentinels face a myriad of threats.
Join us, as we accompanied the MareCet team on their January dolphin survey on the west coast of Malaysia: two days out on the Malaysian waters on a small vessel of discovery and conservation, joining a team of amazing experts in marine conservation.

Guardians of the blue: MareCet’s quest to save Malaysia’s marine mammals Read More »

Building a better future for elephants in Thailand: A tale of captivity, conservation, and ethical tourism

Dive into the intricate tapestry of Thailand’s elephant tourism scene as we unravel the compelling narrative of Ray and his sanctuary, ‘Following Giants.’ Against the backdrop of cultural tradition and ethical awakening, we explore the dynamic shifts and heartfelt struggles shaping the nation’s approach to human-elephant interactions.
From the national parks to sanctuaries, join us on a journey toward learning about a more compassionate future for these beloved giants.

Building a better future for elephants in Thailand: A tale of captivity, conservation, and ethical tourism Read More »

The regeneration of the Sundarbans – community-driven action for the world’s largest mangrove forest

The Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India, is threatened by coastal erosion, climate change, and deforestation. Many of those living near the Sundarbans exist below the poverty line, depending heavily on the forest’s resources. The Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) helps these vulnerable communities benefit from ecological restoration in a unique way.

The regeneration of the Sundarbans – community-driven action for the world’s largest mangrove forest Read More »

Sloth bear-human coexistence in Marwahi

The dry deciduous forests of Northern Chhattisgarh host one of India’s largest sloth bear populations. But unfortunately, sloth bears don’t have a good reputation here. Quite the contrary, they are considered by many to be one of the most dangerous wild animals in the area.

Conservationists are now trying to identify the last islands with substantial bear populations in the region of Marwahi. But what will it take to protect Marwahi’s decreasing sloth bear population in a highly cultivated landscape?

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A thirteen-year battle to save the Hasdeo forests from coal mining

The forests of Hasdeo are called the lungs of India’s Chhattisgarh state. Sadly for its inhabitants, Hasdeo grows atop of a huge coalfield, and the government decided to start mining it. Fast forward thirteen years, the Save Hasdeo movement is fighting tirelessly against the total diminishment of the natural ecosystem of Hasdeo.

A thirteen-year battle to save the Hasdeo forests from coal mining Read More »