national park

Every Singaporean can be a naturalist

Where is the line between urban greening and nature conservation?

How does the Nature Society, Singapore lead the charge in a citizen-based green revolution?

Join us on a journey through Sungei Buloh, and explore how grassroots initiatives are reshaping the city-state’s landscape. From protecting mangroves to advocating for sustainable development, learn how active citizen engagement is key to preserving Singapore’s natural heritage!

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High-level political stakes feed the illegal hunting of Cholistan’s rare wildlife 

Despite a hunting ban, to keep Pakistani elites and Arab dignitaries happy, the government of Pakistan gives them open access to hunt in the Cholistan desert, one of Pakistan’s major deserts.
Meanwhile, the Punjab Wildlife Department fights a great battle to protect Cholistan’s fast declining populations of chinkara gazelles and migratory birds from poaching.

High-level political stakes feed the illegal hunting of Cholistan’s rare wildlife  Read More »

Living with big cats 

Before we arrived in India, we had a certain eurocentric picture of human-wildlife conflict and its challenging mitigation. Unfortunately, where humans and large carnivores share space, a diversity of conflicts can emerge. And across Europe, there is a low tolerance for the presence of these species.

So what can we expect as we reach the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, which is regarded as the second most affected state by human-tiger conflicts in the whole country?

What needs to be done to make sure humans and big cats coexist peacefully now and in the future? Nowhere is this question more evident than in India, where around 32 million people are already living as next-door-neighbors to tigers in a country that hosts over 70% of the world’s remaining wild tigers.

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