
Every Singaporean can be a naturalist

Where is the line between urban greening and nature conservation?

How does the Nature Society, Singapore lead the charge in a citizen-based green revolution?

Join us on a journey through Sungei Buloh, and explore how grassroots initiatives are reshaping the city-state’s landscape. From protecting mangroves to advocating for sustainable development, learn how active citizen engagement is key to preserving Singapore’s natural heritage!

Every Singaporean can be a naturalist Read More »

Rat-hunting macaques: a greener solution for rodent pest control in Malaysian oil palm plantations?

In the lush landscapes of Southeast Asia, oil palm plantations stretch across vast land, producing palm oil, one of the world’s most versatile and economically significant commodities. However, the cultivation of oil palm has long been accompanied by environmental concerns. In the quest for more sustainable practices, an unlikely ally has emerged from the depths of the rainforest: southern pig-tailed macaques.

Rat-hunting macaques: a greener solution for rodent pest control in Malaysian oil palm plantations? Read More »

Building a better future for elephants in Thailand: A tale of captivity, conservation, and ethical tourism

Dive into the intricate tapestry of Thailand’s elephant tourism scene as we unravel the compelling narrative of Ray and his sanctuary, ‘Following Giants.’ Against the backdrop of cultural tradition and ethical awakening, we explore the dynamic shifts and heartfelt struggles shaping the nation’s approach to human-elephant interactions.
From the national parks to sanctuaries, join us on a journey toward learning about a more compassionate future for these beloved giants.

Building a better future for elephants in Thailand: A tale of captivity, conservation, and ethical tourism Read More »

Born to be wild: A quest to save the singing apes of South-East Asia

Gibbons are renowned amongst primates for their loud and unique vocalisations. However, unfortunately, their extraordinary songs are an easy way for poachers to find them, and today, their numbers in the wild are drastically dropping, while they are popular pets purchased on the black market.

But could there be a way to successfully rehabilitate and give gibbons that were rescued from the pet trade their freedom back? We hear the answer from two of the best gibbon experts in Thailand and Malaysia.

Born to be wild: A quest to save the singing apes of South-East Asia Read More »

Turning the tide for Vietnam’s primates

Vietnam is home to highest diversity of primate species on the South-East Asian mainland. However, 90% of these spectacular designs of nature are facing extinction threats due to the high demand for wild meat and wildlife parts used in traditional medicine.

The Endangered Primate Rescue Center focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation, breeding, and release of Vietnam’s rare primates, many of which have been confiscated from wildlife traffickers.

Turning the tide for Vietnam’s primates Read More »

The regeneration of the Sundarbans – community-driven action for the world’s largest mangrove forest

The Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India, is threatened by coastal erosion, climate change, and deforestation. Many of those living near the Sundarbans exist below the poverty line, depending heavily on the forest’s resources. The Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) helps these vulnerable communities benefit from ecological restoration in a unique way.

The regeneration of the Sundarbans – community-driven action for the world’s largest mangrove forest Read More »